
WoW Apps

  Your privacy is important to wow apps team and we are committed to protecting your privacy. So we’ve developed a Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions. . Information we get from your use of our services we may collect information about the services that you use and how you use them, such as when you view and interact with our content.  1. How We Collect and Use Information Personal Information. Following are the personal information we access from your device. The information we collect is just for the purpose of usage when you try to get something from you phone are download or save something from the phone. If there is a bug report from you people then we come across your email and sort out the bugs and reply you with an appreciation message. Non Personal Information. Sometime there is a need of collecting information about your device ,hardware or location in order to make use of them to gi